It gives us great pleasure to announce we have finished the production of the short animation film ‘Bei Mir Bist Du Schön’ by animation film director Bouwine Pool. The film is about a sweet granny who is looking forward to her…
The Drawing Room is developing its first animation feature film ‘Hieronymus’ together with acclaimed film director Erik van Schaaik. The film is based on the life and work of Hieronymus Bosch who lived in the late 15th century. If you…
Delight Agency asked us to create the animation for the new SOS Kinderdorpen commercial. Animating drawings made by children, The Drawing Room created the colorful style, which you can see in the new commercial.
The Ultra Short film Pecker by Director Erik van Schaaik (2010) was the winner of the first Ultra Short competitions. The stop-motion combined with digital 2D animation was shown in Dutch cinemas before Shrek 4 and shown at more than…
The Drawing Room assisted the in-house Nike design team with creating this wooden invite for the stand of Nike Action Sports at the ISPO 2010.
For insurance company Nationale Nederlanden we created an animation from copy to final, explaining more about the way we use our pension. In this case we animated the more abstract theory behind the great products Nationale Nederlanden delivers. We cannot…