About us
The Drawing Room consists of a dynamic team of accomplished freelancers managed by Jiek Weishut. You can call us a studio or creative agency, depending on what you are looking for. Established in 2008 The Drawing Room is experienced with different kinds of graphic and retail design, presentation creation, storyboarding, illustration and animation. Whether you are looking for a complete production team or a single creative freelance professional, we can provide it.
The Drawing Room takes an active role in the production and the promotion of the collective efforts shown on this website, both on a national and an international level. We also have our ears to the ground as to what is happening in the creative industry, especially every development concerning animation. And we are always on the lookout for exceptional creatives to join our team.
BNN, Buutvrij, Bureau D’Arts, De Frank Pels Company, Disney, Dr. Oetker, Van Wanten Etcetera, FHM, Fortis ASR, Hans Anders, Hindi Broadcasting Station, Inc-21, Jewish Historical Museum Amsterdam, Keller Films, Kleine Beer Films, Klik! Amsterdam, Lawson & Whatshisname, Marco Klein + Partners, Ministerie van Justitie, Nike, NRC Next, Media Markt, Mopti Foundation, Moodfactory, Museumnight Amsterdam, Pathé, Peeters Producten: Pasta Choca, People Soft Benelux, Postcode Lotterij, Rabobank, Rijkswaterstaat: Spitsmijden, SNS Bank, Staatsbosbeheer, Stopkracht, Submarine, Talpa, Telescreen, Young & Rubicam Amsterdam.
Jiek Weishut is also co-founder of Klik! Amsterdam Animation Festival (KLIK!), co-founder of the Platform BNO Animation (BNO Animation) and member of the Dutch Animation Producers Association (VNAP).